Helloooo! I know, I know...I haven't written in years! For some reason I was going through kind of a writers block and just stopped cold turkey. Its okay though because its 2012 and one of my resolutions is to write a blog at LEAST once a week! I hope I'll stick to it! Anyway, new years is all about improving yourself, so of course I made a list of improvements I need to make in my life (and let me tell you, my list was pretty long). Along with exercising and eating healthier (the obvious resolutions) I added a few others that I decided to share with you below. I hope you all had a great Christmas and a Happy New Year! 2012 is going to be a GREAT year (DUH...since I'll be posting more often! hahha)
1. {organize&maintain room organized}- I don't know about you, but I have never been one of those anal people that have to have everything extremely in order...so for one of my resolutions I decided I'd try it out.
2. {drink green tea every day} - Random resolution, I know...but over the break me and Dr. Oz had a lot of bonding time and I decided to stick to this one tip he gave me (I like to think he's talking to me directly). Let me tell you...best decision ever. Green Tea is seriously so good for you and it tastes amazing too. I like to add a little lime to mine to wake me up in the morning (since I cut out coffee from my daily routine).
3. {save some muunaaayy} - This is one of those resolutions that are too broad and that's why its so hard to actually stick to. So for this year instead of just putting down 'save money' as one of them I decided to narrow it down to save $20/week that way its doable and its something you can keep up with.
{obvs not my pic}
4. {write a a blog at least once a week} BEST RESOLUTION EVER
5. {maintain nails painted at all times} It's obvious I love nail polish...but from time to time I'll let it ride for too long and my nails start to chip...and that just looks bad. I know this sounds dumb but having your nails done shows your a put together person..ask any guy! So without further ado, here is the first 2012 color of the week!
{color of the week: Wicked by Essie}